+233 299 015 900 | info@geda.gov.gh | CG-1936-0619

Outdoor Advertising Permit

Basic Requirement

Application forms duly completed by applicant(s) should be submitted to the Physical Planning Department with the following attachments;

  • Receipt of payment (Application form(s))
  • Company’s certificate of incorporation/commencement of business
  • Business Operating Permit (BOP) (Companies operating within GEDA’s jurisdiction). Applicant(s) operating outside GEDA shall present evidence of BOP from operating MMDAs.
  • List of proposed locations and photo montage of the area(s) (Google Map of the proposed area(s)) and a site plan of the area(s) as well as GPS Coordinates.
  • Copies of architectural designs and structural drawings of proposed billboard(s) and signage(s) endorsed by a certified architect or an engineer.
  • Evidence of insurance cover
  • Evidence of a written consent (clearance) from the property owner (if proposed site is on a private property)
  • Geotechnical studies/investigation

The following steps by step procedures shall apply to all outdoor advertisement aplications:

Step 1: Submission

On submission, an applicant pays a non-refundable application processing fee and shall be informed about the following:

  • Corrections to be made (if any)
  • Date for site inspection

Step 2: Processing

The Secretariat would process the application within 10 working days of receipt of application for Inspection, Assessment and Recommendation by the Technical Sub-Committee.

The Technical Sub-Committee’s recommendations on the application(S) will be forwarded to the Gomoa East Spatial Planning Committee within a month of receipt of Application(s) for final decision.

All approvals (permits) or otherwise shall be communicated to applicant(s) by the Secretariat within a month.

Step 3: Collection

Applicant(s) shall pay an approved permit fee to the Assembly/Bank as indicated in the approval letter
Applicant(s) shall pay an approved Annual Renewal Fee(s) to the Assembly.

NB: All fees (Submission, Approval and Annual Renewal fee(s)) shall be determined based on the Assembly’s Fee-Fixing Resolution.